
Monday, September 17, 2012


aku lelah berjalan sendiri
menopang beratnya beban yang di taruh di pundakku
rasanya aku ingin menangis
aku ngin berteriak
bebaskan aku, bebaskan aku dari deritaku

aku ingin berlari
menjauh dari kehidupanku yang sekarang ini
aku ingin sendiri manjalani hidup yang ku ingini
aku marah, aku bosan, aku benci...

adakah tempatku disana??
adakah arah yang bisa kutuju
adakah jalan bagiku tuk kulalui
ataukah aku harus menyeret langkah kakiku
di cadas dan bebatuan tajam ini??

aKu Lelah....
Aku Bukan aPa2 tanpa MU Tuhan
PadaMu aKu berharap
PadaMu aKu Berdoa

BentuKLah aKu, dan kuatkanku
sbaB ku taK dapat JaLan Sendiri

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Because the happiness, because the irony

Because the importance, because it is funny
Because the promise, because the faith
Memory is remembered

Whether daily, whether eventful
Whether beautiful, whether sad
Whether planned, whether accidental
Memory is made everyday

Because the time, because the nature
Because the trauma, because the secret
Because the plan, because the fear
Memory is forgotten

For the shame of dignity, for the hunger of power
In white lies, in written history
By erasing some fact, by adding impact
Memory is manipulated

By the flash of look, by the said word
By the thing, by the thought
By the shocking impact, by unconscious dream
Memory is triggered again